Source code for etk.extractors.dbpedia_spotlight_extractor

from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
from collections import OrderedDict
from etk.extractor import Extractor, InputType
from etk.extraction import Extraction
from typing import List
import requests

[docs]class DBpediaSpotlightExtractor(Extractor): """ **Description** This extractor takes a string of text as input, uses DBPedia API to annotate words and phrases in the text input. Examples: :: dbpedia_spotlight_extractor = DBpediaSpotlightExtractor(search_url='', get_attr=False, get_attr_url="") dbpedia_spotlight_extractor.extract(text=input_doc, filter=['Person', 'Place', 'Organisation']) """ def __init__(self, extractor_name: str, search_url: str, get_attr=False, get_attr_url=""): Extractor.__init__(self, input_type=InputType.TEXT, category="built_in_extractor", name=extractor_name) self._search_url = search_url self._get_attr = get_attr self._get_attr_url = get_attr_url
[docs] def extract(self, text: str, confidence=0.5, filter=['Person', 'Place', 'Organisation']) -> List[Extraction]: """ Extract with the input text, confidence and fields filter to be used. Args: text (str): text input to be annotated confidence (float): the confidence of the annotation filter (List[str]): the fields that to be extracted Returns: List[Extraction] """ filter = ','.join(filter) search_data = [('confidence', confidence), ('text', text), ('types', filter)] search_headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} r =, data=search_data, headers=search_headers) results = r.json() last_results = self._combiner(results) return last_results
def _combiner(self, results: dict) -> List[Extraction]: return_result = list() if "Resources" in results: resources_results = results["Resources"] for one_result in resources_results: types = one_result['@types'].split(',') values = {'surface_form': one_result['@surfaceForm'], 'uri': one_result['@URI'], 'types': types, 'similarity_scores': float(one_result['@similarityScore'])} if self._get_attr: attr = self._attr_finder(one_result['@URI']) values['attributes'] = attr return_result.append(Extraction(confidence=float(results['@confidence']),, start_char=int(one_result['@offset']), end_char=int(one_result['@offset']) + len( one_result['@surfaceForm']), value=values)) return return_result return list() def _attr_finder(self, uri) -> dict: sparql = SPARQLWrapper(self._get_attr_url) sparql.setQuery("SELECT distinct * WHERE {<" + uri + "> ?link ?resource}") sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) results = sparql.query().convert() attr = OrderedDict() cnt_attr = 0 for one_item in results['results']['bindings']: if ('xml:lang' in one_item['resource']) and (one_item['resource']['xml:lang'] != 'en'): pass else: attr_key = one_item['link']['value'].split('/')[-1] attr_val = one_item['resource']['value'] if attr_key not in attr: if cnt_attr < 100: attr[attr_key] = [attr_val] cnt_attr += 1 else: attr[attr_key].append(attr_val) return attr