Source code for etk.extractors.excel_extractor

from typing import List, Dict, Tuple

import copy
import re
import pyexcel

from etk.etk import ETK
from etk.extractor import Extractor, InputType
from etk.extraction import Extraction

[docs]class ExcelExtractor(Extractor): """ **Description** This class is a wrapper of pyexcel. By defining 'variables' argument, this extractor is able to extract multiple information and store them into different field at once. Examples: :: excel_extractor = ExcelExtractor() excel_extractor.extract(file_name:path_to_excel, sheet_name:sheet_name, region:['A,1', 'Z,10'], variables={ # get current col & row for field1 'field1': '$col,$row', # get fixed cell of $A,$5 for field2 'field2': '$A,$5' }) """ _re_row_identifier = re.compile(r'(\$[0-9]+)') _re_col_identifier = re.compile(r'(\$[A-Za-z]+)') def __init__(self, etk: ETK = None, extractor_name: str = 'excel extractor') -> None: Extractor.__init__(self, input_type=InputType.TEXT, category="data extractor", name=extractor_name) self._etk = etk
[docs] def extract(self, file_name: str, sheet_name: str, region: List, variables: Dict) -> List[Extraction]: """ Args: file_name (str): file name sheet_name (str): sheet name region (List[]): from upper left cell to bottom right cell, e.g., ['A,1', 'Z,10'] variables (Dict): key is variable name, value can be: 1. a single expression 2. comma separated expression, will be treated as location $row, $col are built-in variables can be used in expression constant row and column value can be noted as $NAME (e.g., $1, $10, $A, $GG) Returns: List[Extraction] : A list of extracted variables dictionary """ extractions = [] book = pyexcel.get_book(file_name=file_name) sheet = book[sheet_name] region = [ExcelExtractor._excel_coord_to_location(coord) for coord in region] r = region[0][0] # per row for row in sheet.region(region[0], region[1]): c = region[0][1] # per col for col in row: var = copy.deepcopy(variables) # per variable for k, v in var.items(): parsed_v = ExcelExtractor._parse_variable(v, r, c) if len(parsed_v) == 1: # normal variable var[k] = parsed_v[0] else: # location rr, cc = parsed_v var[k] = sheet[rr, cc] extractions.append(var) c += 1 r += 1 return extractions
@staticmethod def _col_name_to_num(name: str) -> int: name = name.upper() pow = 1 col_num = 0 for letter in name[::-1]: col_num += (int(letter, 36) - 9) * pow pow *= 26 return col_num - 1 @staticmethod def _row_name_to_num(name: str) -> int: try: num = int(name) - 1 if num >= 0: return num raise ValueError('Invalid row name') except: raise ValueError('Invalid row name') @staticmethod def _excel_coord_to_location(s: str) -> Tuple: ss = s.split(',') return ExcelExtractor._row_name_to_num(ss[1]), ExcelExtractor._col_name_to_num(ss[0]) @staticmethod def _parse_variable(s: str, curr_row: int, curr_col: int) -> Tuple: ''' $A,$2 <- constant col and row $row,$2 <- current col, row 2 $A+1,$2 <- col A + 1 = 2, row 2 $row+1,$2 <- current col + 1, row 2 $A,$2-1 <-- col A, row 2 - 1 = 1 ''' def parse_expression(ss, curr_row, curr_col): ss = ss.replace('$row', str(curr_row)) ss = ss.replace('$col', str(curr_col)) ss = ExcelExtractor._re_row_identifier.sub( lambda x: str(ExcelExtractor._row_name_to_num([1:])) if len( > 0 else '', ss) ss = ExcelExtractor._re_col_identifier.sub( lambda x: str(ExcelExtractor._col_name_to_num([1:])) if len( > 0 else '', ss) return eval(ss) ss = s.split(',') if len(ss) == 1: return parse_expression(ss[0], curr_row, curr_col), elif len(ss) == 2: rr, cc = (ss[1], ss[0]) return parse_expression(rr, curr_row, curr_col), parse_expression(cc, curr_row, curr_col) else: raise ValueError('Invalid variable')