Source code for etk.extractors.table_extractor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import List
from etk.extractor import Extractor, InputType
from etk.extraction import Extraction

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import Comment
import re

class Toolkit:
    def create_table_array(t, put_extractions=False):
        rows = t['rows']
        tt = []
        max_cols = t['features']['max_cols_in_a_row']
        for r in rows:
            new_r = ['' for xx in range(max_cols)]
            for i, c in enumerate(r['cells']):
                text = c['text']
                text = text.lower()
                text = text.strip()
                if put_extractions and 'data_extraction' in c:
                    data_extractions = c['data_extraction']
                    for key in data_extractions.keys():
                        text += ' DUMMY' + key.upper()
                new_r[i] = text.strip()
        return tt

    def regulize_cells(t):
        for r in t:
            for i in range(len(r)):
                r[i] = re.sub('[0-9]', 'NUM', r[i])
                # for x in re.findall('([0-9])', r[i]):
                #     int_x = int(x)
                #     if int_x < 5:
                #         r[i] = re.sub(x, 'SSSS', r[i])
                #     else:
                #         r[i] = re.sub(x, 'LLLL', r[i])
                for x in re.findall('([a-z][a-z][a-z]+@)', r[i]):
                    r[i] = re.sub(x, 'EMAILNAME ', r[i])

    def clean_cells(t): # modifies t
        for r in t:
            for i in range(len(r)):
                r[i] = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]',' ', r[i]) #remove unicodes
                # r[i] = re.sub('[\'"]', '', r[i]) #remove annoying puncts
                r[i] = re.sub('[^\s\w\.\-\$_%\^&*#~+@"\']', ' ', r[i]) #remove annoying puncts
                for x in re.findall('(\.[a-z])', r[i]):
                    r[i] = re.sub('\.{0}'.format(x[1]), ' {0}'.format(x[1]), r[i])
                r[i] = re.sub('\s+', ' ', r[i])
                r[i] = r[i].strip()

class EntityTableDataExtraction(Extractor):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.glossaries = dict()

    def add_glossary(self, glossary: List[str], attr_name: str) -> None:
        Adds a glossary for the given attribute name
        :param glossary: a list of possible mentions of the attribute name
        :param attr_name: the attribute name (field name)
        self.glossaries[attr_name] = glossary

    def wrap_value_with_context(self, value: dict, field_name: str, start: int=0, end: int=0) -> Extraction:
        """Wraps the final result"""
        return Extraction(value,, start_token=start, end_token=end, tag=field_name)

    def extract(self, table: dict) -> List[Extraction]:
        :param table: a table extracted by table extractor, as a json object
        :return: list of all extractions from the input table
        if table['features']['max_cols_in_a_row'] != 2 and table['features']['no_of_rows'] < 2:
            return []
        results = list()
        for row in table['rows']:
            if len(row['cells']) != 2:
            text = [row['cells'][0]['text'], row['cells'][1]['text']]
            for field_name in self.glossaries.keys():
                if self.cell_matches_dict(text[0], self.glossaries[field_name]):
                    results.append(self.wrap_value_with_context(text[1], field_name))
                if self.cell_matches_dict(text[1], self.glossaries[field_name]):
                    results.append(self.wrap_value_with_context(text[0], field_name))
        return results

    def cell_matches_dict(self, cell_text: str, glossary: List[str]) -> bool:
        if any([self.cell_matches_text(cell_text, x) for x in glossary]):
            return True
        return False

    def cell_matches_text(self, cell_text: str, text: str) -> bool:
        cell_text = cell_text.lower()
        text = text.lower()
        if text in cell_text and float(len(cell_text))/float(len(text)) < 1.5:
            return True
        return False

class TableExtraction:
    def is_data_cell(cell):
        if cell.table:
            return False
        return True

    def is_data_row(row):
        if row.table:
            return False
        cell = row.findAll('th', recursive=False)
        cell.extend(row.findAll('td', recursive=False))
        for td in cell:
            if TableExtraction.is_data_cell(td) == False:
                return False
        return True

    def get_data_rows(table):
        data_rows = []
        rows = table.findAll('tr', recursive=False)
        if table.thead:
            rows.extend(table.thead.findAll('tr', recursive=False))
        if table.tbody:
            rows.extend(table.tbody.findAll('tr', recursive=False))
        for tr in rows:
            if TableExtraction.is_data_row(tr):
        return data_rows

    def is_data_table(table, k):
        rows = TableExtraction.get_data_rows(table)
        if len(rows) > k:
            return rows
            return False

    def mean(numbers):
        """ Computes mean of a list of numbers """
        return float(sum(numbers)) / max(len(numbers), 1)

    def _ss(data):
        """Return sum of square deviations of sequence data."""
        c = TableExtraction.mean(data)
        ss = sum((x-c)**2 for x in data)
        return ss

    def pstdev(data):
        """Calculates the population standard deviation."""
        n = len(data)
        if n < 2:
            return 0
            # raise ValueError('variance requires at least two data points')
        ss = TableExtraction._ss(data)
        pvar = ss/n # the population variance
        return pvar**0.5

    # Check if a string contains a digit
    def contains_digits(d):
        _digits = re.compile('\d')
        return bool(

    def gen_context(seq):
        seen = set()
        seen_add = seen.add
        uniq_list = [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))]
        if len(uniq_list) > 5:
            uniq_list = uniq_list[:5]
        uniq_list = [x.replace("\t", "").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").strip() for x in uniq_list]
        if '' in uniq_list:
        if ' ' in uniq_list:
            uniq_list.remove(' ')
        return uniq_list

    def extract(self, html_doc, min_data_rows = 1):
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
        result_tables = list()
        tables = soup.findAll('table')
        for table in tables:
            tdcount = 0
            max_tdcount = 0
            img_count = 0
            href_count = 0
            inp_count = 0
            sel_count = 0
            colspan_count = 0
            colon_count = 0
            len_row = 0
            table_data = ""
            data_table = dict()
            row_list = list()
            rows = TableExtraction.is_data_table(table, min_data_rows)
            if rows != False:
                features = dict()
                row_len_list = list()
                avg_cell_len = 0
                avg_row_len_dev = 0
                for index_row, row in enumerate(rows):
                    row_dict = dict()
                    soup_row = BeautifulSoup(row, 'html.parser')
                    row_data = ' '.join(soup_row.stripped_strings)
                    row_data = row_data.replace("\\t", "").replace("\\r", "").replace("\\n", "")
                    if row_data != '':
                        row_tdcount = len(soup_row.findAll('td')) + len(soup_row.findAll('th'))
                        if row_tdcount > max_tdcount:
                            max_tdcount = row_tdcount
                        tdcount += row_tdcount
                        img_count += len(soup_row.findAll('img'))
                        href_count += len(soup_row.findAll('a'))
                        inp_count += len(soup_row.findAll('input'))
                        sel_count += len(soup_row.findAll('select'))
                        colspan_count += row_data.count("colspan")
                        colon_count += row_data.count(":")
                        len_row += 1
                        table_data += row
                        # row_dict["row"] = str(row)
                        cell_list = list()
                        for index_col, td in enumerate(soup_row.findAll('th')):
                            cell_dict = dict()
                            cell_dict["cell"] = str(td)
                            # cell_dict["text"] = [{"result": {"value": ''.join(td.stripped_strings)}}]
                            cell_dict["text"] = ' '.join(td.stripped_strings)
                            cell_dict["id"] = 'row_{0}_col_{1}'.format(index_row, index_col)
                            avg_cell_len += len(cell_dict["text"])
                        for index_col, td in enumerate(soup_row.findAll('td')):
                            cell_dict = dict()
                            cell_dict["cell"] = str(td)
                            # cell_dict["text"] = [{"result": {"value": ''.join(td.stripped_strings)}}]
                            cell_dict["text"] = ' '.join(td.stripped_strings)
                            cell_dict["id"] = 'row_{0}_col_{1}'.format(index_row, index_col)
                            avg_cell_len += len(cell_dict["text"])
                        avg_row_len_dev += TableExtraction.pstdev([len(x["text"]) for x in cell_list])
                        row_dict["cells"] = cell_list
                        row_dict["text"] = self.row_to_text(cell_list)
                        row_dict["html"] = self.row_to_html(cell_list)
                        row_dict["id"] = "row_{}".format(index_row)

                # To avoid division by zero
                if len_row == 0:
                    tdcount = 1
                features["no_of_rows"] = len_row
                features["no_of_cells"] = tdcount
                features["max_cols_in_a_row"] = max_tdcount
                features["ratio_of_img_tags_to_cells"] = img_count*1.0/tdcount
                features["ratio_of_href_tags_to_cells"] = href_count*1.0/tdcount
                features["ratio_of_input_tags_to_cells"] = inp_count*1.0/tdcount
                features["ratio_of_select_tags_to_cells"] = sel_count*1.0/tdcount
                features["ratio_of_colspan_tags_to_cells"] = colspan_count*1.0/tdcount
                features["ratio_of_colons_to_cells"] = colon_count*1.0/tdcount
                features["avg_cell_len"] = avg_cell_len*1.0/tdcount
                features["avg_row_len"] = TableExtraction.mean(row_len_list)
                features["avg_row_len_dev"] = avg_row_len_dev*1.0/max(len_row, 1)

                avg_col_len = 0
                avg_col_len_dev = 0
                no_of_cols_containing_num = 0
                no_of_cols_empty = 0

                if colspan_count == 0.0 and \
                    len_row != 0 and \
                    (tdcount/(len_row * 1.0)) == max_tdcount:
                    col_data = dict()
                    for i in range(max_tdcount):
                        col_data['c_{0}'.format(i)] = []
                    soup_col = BeautifulSoup(table_data, 'html.parser')
                    for row in soup_col.findAll('tr'):
                        h_index = 0
                        h_bool = True
                        for col in row.findAll('th'):
                            col_content = ' '.join(col.stripped_strings)
                            h_bool = False
                            if col_content is None:
                            h_index += 1
                        d_index = 0
                        if(h_index == 1 and h_bool == False):
                            d_index = 1
                        for col in row.findAll('td'):
                            col_content = ' '.join(col.stripped_strings)
                            if col_content is None:
                                d_index += 1
                            d_index += 1

                    for key, value in col_data.items():
                        whole_col = ' '.join(value)
                        # avg_cell_len += float("%.2f" % mean([len(x) for x in value]))
                        avg_col_len += sum([len(x) for x in value])
                        avg_col_len_dev += TableExtraction.pstdev([len(x) for x in value])
                        no_of_cols_containing_num += 1 if TableExtraction.contains_digits(whole_col) is True else 0
                        # features["column_" + str(key) + "_is_only_num"] = whole_col.isdigit()
                        no_of_cols_empty += 1 if (whole_col == '') is True else 0
                # To avoid division by zero
                if max_tdcount == 0:
                    max_tdcount = 1
                features["avg_col_len"] = avg_col_len*1.0/max_tdcount
                features["avg_col_len_dev"] = avg_col_len_dev/max_tdcount
                features["no_of_cols_containing_num"] = no_of_cols_containing_num
                features["no_of_cols_empty"] = no_of_cols_empty
                data_table["features"] = features
                data_table["rows"] = row_list
                context_before = ' '.join(TableExtraction.gen_context(table.find_all_previous(string=True)))
                context_after = ' '.join(TableExtraction.gen_context(table.find_all_next(string=True)))
                table_rep = TableExtraction.gen_html(row_list)
                fingerprint = TableExtraction.create_fingerprint(table_rep)
                data_table["context_before"] = context_before
                data_table["context_after"] = context_after
                data_table["fingerprint"] = fingerprint
                data_table['html'] = table_rep
                data_table['text'] = self.table_to_text(row_list)
        return dict(tables=result_tables, html_text=self.text_from_html(soup))

    def create_fingerprint(table):
        table = str(table)
        all_tokens = list(set(re.split('[^\w]+',table)))
        all_tokens = sorted(all_tokens)
        fingerprint = '-'.join(all_tokens)
        return fingerprint

    def row_to_html(cells):
        res = '<html><body><table>'
        for i, c in enumerate(cells):
            res += c['cell'] + '\n'
        res += '</table></body></html>'
        return res

    def row_to_text(cells):
        res = ''
        for i, c in enumerate(cells):
            res += c['text']
            if i < len(cells)-1:
                res += ' | '
        return res

    def table_to_text(rows):
        res = ''
        for row in rows:
            for i, c in enumerate(row['cells']):
                res += c['text']
                if i < len(row['cells']) - 1:
                    res += ' | '
            res += '\n'
        return res

    def gen_html(row_list):
        """ Return html table string from a list of data rows """
        table = "<table>"
        for row in row_list:
            table += "<tr>"
            cells = row["cells"]
            for cell in cells:
                table += str(cell["cell"])
            table += "</tr>"
        table += "</table>"
        return table

    def remove_tables(html_doc, min_data_rows = 1):
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
        tables = soup.findAll('table')
        for table in tables:
            rows = TableExtraction.is_data_table(table, min_data_rows)
            if rows != False:

        return soup

    def tag_visible(self, element):
        if in ['style', 'script', 'head', 'title', 'meta', '[document]']:
            return False
        if isinstance(element, Comment):
            return False
        return True

    def text_from_html(self, soup):
        texts = soup.findAll(text=True)
        visible_texts = filter(self.tag_visible, texts)
        # print([x.strip() for x in visible_texts])
        # exit(0)
        return u" ".join(t.strip() for t in visible_texts if t.strip() != "")

[docs]class TableExtractor(Extractor): """ **Description** Adding explanation here Examples: :: table_extractor = TableExtractor() table_extractor.extract(html=html_str, return_text=True) """ tableExtractorInstance = TableExtraction() def __init__(self) -> None: Extractor.__init__(self, input_type=InputType.TEXT, category="content", name="DigTableExtractor") def _wrap_value_with_context(self, value: dict or str, field_name: str, start: int=0, end: int=0) -> Extraction: """Wraps the final result""" return Extraction(value,, start_token=start, end_token=end, tag=field_name)
[docs] def extract(self, html: str, return_text: bool=False) -> List[Extraction]: """ Args: html (str): raw html of the page return_text (bool): if True, return the visible text in the page removing all the data tables Returns: List[Extraction]: a list of Extractions """ results = list() temp_res = TableExtractor.tableExtractorInstance.extract(html) if return_text: results.append(self._wrap_value_with_context(temp_res['html_text'], "text_without_tables")) results.extend(map(lambda t: self._wrap_value_with_context(t, "tables"), temp_res['tables'])) return results